Transflo Westborough, Massachusetts Terminal Expansion

Project Details:

The project consisted of completing the development of the terminal to increase the capacity for transloading products from trucks to railcars. DBK was contracted to develop the site’s last 5 acres. The work included site demolition, site development, importing fill material, placement and compaction of fill material, concrete curbs and slabs, placement of full-depth asphalt paving, installation of ballast, installation of rail on steel ties, installation of rail on wood ties, installation of four turnouts, high mast lighting, forming, reinforcing, placement and finishing of a new concrete equipment pad, extension of site water supply, providing a new power center at the new equipment storage location, installation of a new storm drainage system with all elements having the ability to resist aircraft impact loading, electronic stormwater valves for the protection of the adjacent wetlands from possible spills, relocation of site electrical supply lines, and removal and regrading of existing asphalt areas to allow for positive drainage of all areas of the terminal.

DBK collaborated closely with our subcontractor responsible for site work to meet the challenge. They commenced work on September 16th, operating seven 10-hour shifts daily. This rigorous schedule ensured that the necessary asphalt for track installation would be laid down by November 15th. DBK completed the remaining tasks of demolishing and regrading the existing asphalt pavement to meet the required grades, which were completed in the subsequent spring.

In addition to all the other challenges, the owner’s operations had to continue unimpeded during the construction of the expansion. Diligence and exceptional communication between DBK and the client made the project a significant success.