As the design-build contractor, DBK’s scope included the single-source procurement to design and construct twenty-five (25) acres of Heavy and Light Duty Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavement constructed to a maximum grade of 1%. The container yard work included erosion control, clearing, grubbing, site excavation, demolition of existing utilities and storm drainage systems, precast trench drains, electrical and high mast lighting, communication systems, perimeter security barricades, fencing, and gate control.
Leveraging their expertise in the design-build delivery for inland port facilities, DBK’s team reviewed multiple bid packages for procuring long-lead items, implemented fast-track construction methods, and developed efficient project phasing plans to ensure timely completion while maintaining cost certainty. The performance requirements provided by the owner’s representatives, Nigel Nixon Partners (NNP), were translated into solutions developed by DBK’s design-build team throughout the design and construction phases.
DBK coordinated with various external stakeholders, including Exxon Mobile Pipeline Corridor, Container Yard 6 South Construction, Harris County, Bayport Terminals, and the Houston Port Authority Construction Department to expedite plan reviews. Our approach involved creating a strategy to streamline the permitting and ensure environmental compliance. This strategy included submitting partial design and permit documents for approval, enabling construction to commence before the final design was completed. Environmental compliance measures included implementing a Dust Control Plan and obtaining a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) stormwater construction general permit.